Friday, April 22, 2011

Pie Mentality - What is It?

Pie mentality is about your attitude. An attitude towards yourself and others. And your overall outlook in life.

So, I have been pondering why some people get caught up on little things and why some people just seem to not care. Do you care too much or do you not care at all?

Let's look into your behavior and understand why you may be acting the way you do.

You know when your friends say, "Oh man, you gonna let him talk to you like that?" or "Don't even worry and forget about him." The prior encourages you to take action and the latter encourages you to stray away from potential conflict.

I know some of you are compelled to act aggressively or submissively, depending on the situation. But for the most part, are you one who confronts a conflict or avoids it? Your answer will depend on your upbringing and your attitude - your "pie mentality."

Why pie? Pie is delicious. Pie is good. And it's better than cake. But how about everyone else, can they have pie too? That answer depends on you. Are you willing to share that pie?

Follow me here. Let's talk about "Scarcity" and "Abundance" mentality. Either there is a scarcity in pie or abundance of it.

Scarcity means there's not enough pie. Abundance means there's a crap load it. But how do they relate to or affect your attitude? Think about it. When you think there's not enough pie to go around, you become greedy. When you think there's a crap load of it, you give.

Pie Mentality = Give/Greed. We're not only talking about the tangibles here. We're not talking about you giving gifts or not giving gifts. We are talking about your "mentality" and "attitude." towards your environment.

Greedy mentality, greedy attitude. Giving mentality, giving attitude.

If you truly believe that there is enough pie to go around for everyone, you would have such a great attitude towards yourself and others. If you believe that pie will run out, you would have such a bad attitude towards yourself and others. Remember that kid who won't share toys with you?

Try this pie mentality today. Watch your attitude towards those people who are maybe having fun. Do you talk bad things about them on their back? And do you think that some people don't deserve some things they are getting? If you find yourself being jealous, ask yourself this, "Why I do think they don't deserve those things?" The things I'm talking about is the pie.

Think pie mentality. Greed/Give. Enough to go around or not enough to go around. This pie mentality also relates to the win-win behavior - ability to see things in a cooperative manner, not in a win/lose or lose/win arena.

Just because someone else got a piece of pie doesn't mean you can't have one. And just because you got a piece of pie doesn't mean you can't share.

"If you have much, give of your wealth; If you have little, give of your heart." - Arab Proverb.

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